First of all
you can only use one filter... but you can write as many tuple expressions as you want.
e.g. Sales is a measure and you want to get its value on 1/1/2008 and 3/1/2008
How would you do it with a filter? One would make the second impossible.
With tuple expressions you can create calculated data items and call them something like Sales_on_1/1/2008 and Sales_on_3/1/2008
tuple([Sales], [Time Dimension].[date hierarchy].[date]->[2008-01-01])
But I have an even better reason!
Cognos user interface does not distinguish between relational and dimensional or DMR model.
You should!
What does a filter mean when working with a dimensional model?
Who the hell knows.
I think with DMR they (Cognos) add a where clause to the generated SQL... so something will happen... it's just ugly. See how your higher level aggregates will behave...
using tuples() is way more clear!
good nite!