Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Difference in dimensional expressions between RS8.2 and 8.3

We are just upgrading to Cognos 8.3 (I know, I know...) and I've just found this difference in the use of the filter() function:

I think it actually makes more sense in 8.3... probably that's why they fixed it.

Code in 8.2

[My Dimension].[My Hierarchy].[My Level],
roleValue('_businessKey', currentMember([My Dimension].[My Hierarchy])) contains ?Param1?

Code in 8.3

[My Dimension].[My Hierarchy].[My Level],
roleValue('_businessKey', [My Dimension].[My Hierarchy].[My Level]) contains ?Param1?

In 8.2 one had to use the currentMember() function to refer to the member being filtered.
In 8.3 it is not needed. Instead one can just use the level.

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