Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How do charts work like crosstabs

I found the graphical interface of charts rather challenging to capture but once you understand that they work exactly like crosstabs you can figure it out:

measure (y-axis) = Deafult Measure
Series = vertical axis
Category (x-axis) = horizontal axis

note that just like a crosstab axis can nest one dimension into another, or add measures on the axis you can do the same in the chart

example crosstab:
note the nesting of Revenue and Gross Profit under Retailer
Product type under Month(Time)

the corresponding chart:

note: we have the same nesting

when we run the report the chart will look like this:

note: the two measures on the legend of the vertical axis

note: the legend explains the color coding for each combination of retailer and revenue or retailer and profit

whether this complex chart makes sense is a good question... sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't... the point is: you could if you wanted!

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